Liebster Award

liebster2_zps7bf1eb6fOur Little Family has been nominated for the Liebster Award by The Makings of Supermom and we a just thrilled.

In order to accept this award I need to answer the following questions and share 11 random facts about myself.

1. Tea or Coffee?
Both, Ice Coffee during the day and Sleepy Time Tea at night.
2.  What is your favorite children’s book?  (Either from your childhood or that you read to your children)
My favorite children’s book was Peter Rabbit. I actually have an original copy on display in my room to always remind me to never grow up.
3. What is your favorite date night idea?
My favorite date night idea is to go sit somewhere with a beautiful view and talk, really talk and get to know each other.
4. What is the last thing you ate?
Ha this is horrible since I am on a diet and for dinner I had Macaroni and Cheese from KFC. There are only a few vegetarian items there.
5. Who were you named after?
My first name is just one that my parents liked but my middle name is after my Grandmother and my Aunt.
6. What are you listening to right now?
The TV, I am watching Robin Hood on Netfix.
7. What is your go-to pick-me-up when you are feeling down?
8. What is your dream vacation?
I would love to go on an Alaskan Cruise, I have heard that it is wonderful.
9. Dog or cat?
Dog, I love all animals but really love dogs.
10. Strength training or cardio?
Cardio, I don’t have the endurance for strength training.
11. What;s your favorite recipe to cook?
My Mom’s Potato Casserole.
And now 11 random things about me:
1. I’m a vegetarian
2. I ride a motorcycle
3. I am totally addicted to British TV
4. I smoked for over 20 years before quitting in January
5. I have 3 tattoos
6. I still take naps (My son gave them up at 3 but I have yet to)
7. I laugh when I am nervous
8. I am terrified of snakes
9. I love changing my hair color
10. I used to be a Wedding Planner
11. I go to Yoga and Zumba weekly
Blogs I’m Nominating
Rules for Nominees
– Link back to your nominating blog
– Answer the questions they have provided
– Share 11 random facts about yourself
– Nominate blogs with less than 20 followers
– Create 11 questions to be answered by your nominees
– Contact your nominees and let them know
Questions for Nominees
1. Coke or Pepsi
2. What’s your favorite movie of all time
3. What’s you best childhood memory?
4. What would your “Best Day Ever” be?
5. Are you a Morning Person or a Night Person?
6. One thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
7. Why did you start blogging?
8. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
9. Your favorite ice cream flavor?
10. Do you have pets? How many?
11. If you could do any one thing what would it be.
Thank you for the award and I can’t wait to read all the answers!!